Services Offered

Confidential Mental Health Counseling


Diagnosis and Counseling Services for mental health issues including: Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, ADHD, PTSD, Alcohol/Drug Abuse, etc…

  • Mental Health Counseling in a confidential, comfortable office

  • Offering HIPPA compliant telehealth counseling from the comfort of your home

  • Parenting and Co-Parenting Training

  • Animal Assisted Therapy

  • Play Therapy

  • Social Skills Development for Autism Spectrum/Developmental Issues

Couple & Relationship Counseling


People do not live in a bubble, and working with couples/families, is both challenging and fulfilling. Your relationship counselor will never “take sides”. Sometimes one or both partners may benefit from additional individual sessions. In this case, your relationship counselor will be happy to coordinate with your individual counselor, but only with your permission and your signed release.

Consultation Services


We offer a variety of consultation services, including:

  • Mental Health Evaluations to rule out or identify a possible mental health diagnosis for purposes of treatment, support services, or disability applications.

  • Parenting Consultations: Cindy will meet with the parent/caregiver to discuss their concerns. She will then observe the child(ren) in a variety of settings (home, school, counseling office, etc…) and develop a personalized program for parents to address problem behaviors

    • If upon evaluation of the situation, parenting concerns appear to suggest more issues are at play (medical condition, possible trauma reaction, etc..) we will help facilitate appropriate interventions and referrals when necessary.

  • Professional Services Support

    • communication skills training

    • customer service evaluation and/or training

    • facilitator for employer/employee conflicts